Baby 4 mth 27 day. Having bad bottle aversion since 3 week ago.
Baby 4 mth 27 day. Having bad bottle aversion since 3 week ago. Usually drinm 120ml formula. When awake don't drink milk or just play with milk and drink like 30ml as easily get distracted . Try and sleep feed him, sometime can finish and sometime left 10-30ml. Infant care teacher also complain hard to feed him. Help is there anyway to let baby drinkormally.When will all this stop #firsttimemom #advicepls
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My boy currently 4mth 24day.Since 3 week ago start playing with milk and not drinking much. Will only drink when sleeping and sometime can't finish. When awake will drink abit only and play with milk. Has been going to IFC for 2 week. Teacher complain within 1 hr need to warm milk 3 to 4 time for him to finish. Today saw the up last 2 fed left about 40-50ml. Teacher ask me how and I also don't know. He is still active at home. Should I bring him to PD or any mummies out there got better solution. #pleasehelp
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After vaginal delivery how to contract uterus without breastfeeding.
Due to low supply Ihave stop breast feeding since 1 month ago after delivery. My delivery is through vaginal and have done 7 section of postpartum. My tummy has reduce but still need to reduce more fat and contract uterus. Beside using binder is there any faster way to reduce belly fat and faster contract uterus. #firsttimemom
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