Feeling sad after childbirth
It is almost 6 weeks. But I feel that i am having sad thoughts without no reason. I am crying sometimes. Is this normal? Do I need to see my doctor?

You are into your postpartum period. It begins within 6 weeks after childbirth as the mother's body, including hormone levels and uterus size, returns to a non-pregnant state n this feelings are natural but if you can’t cope with them then do see a dr.
I have post natal baby blues for like close to 3 months. I will cry everyday for no reason. I will cry to my husband most of the time. If u feel that u need to see a doc or any professional help, please go.
it's normal. post natal blues. it will go away eventually. however do always remind yourself to keep a positive mindset and stay around with positive people, and talk to people you can trust.
U might be going through some post natal blues. Better to see your doc to ensure your own well-being. 💪🏼
It's normal. Every time I look at my son, I feel like crying cos time is passing so fast.
Do you have anyone you can talk to? Hubby, mum or close friend? 🥹