allow helper to use hp
Will u allow ur helper to use handphone?

Yes. We treat her as an adult. So as long as she’s not on the phone when she’s looking after the children or when she has duties to carry out, we’re okay. Coz we need to communicate with her a lot on the phone we gave her too. My suggestion is to do trial and error and find out what works and what doesn’t.
Read moreIs that even a question to be asked.. I mean obviously if a person has not finish their work fine but if she is free or it is something urgent then of course like any normal human being..
Should be ok as long as they are off duties, not using while doing work especially feeding baby etc. Most importantly , dont post any photos of your baby, house etc on social media
yes , when she's done with her tasks then she can have free time to use her phone.they too need some break and rest.
hiện jo minh bầu 24tuần bs oi sao chống mặt suốt có bị j hk ạ nhờ bs tư vấn ạ
Yes, just like employer allows employees use it during office hours.
not while working. she can use during her break and after work
I'll still allow but only on rest day
Yes if she’s done her duty
Yes. In moderation