Milk for pregnant mummies
Hi all. Me again (: What do u all think of milk for preggy mummies such as Anmum, Frisomum....Is it good to consume? I was thinking to not eat much of the pills given by gynae & rely on natural product such as milk & food. The only pill im eating is folic acid.

I'd say prenatal Multivitamins will be a better choice comparing to maternity formula milk. The fact is that usually obgyn prescribed preggers with Multivitamins, rarely maternity milk. If you compare the ingredients of both, they're much similar. I've tried several brands of Maternity formula milk such as Similac, Enfamama, etc, i personally dislike it. Most of them taste quite sweet with artificial flavours like vanilla, chocolate, strawberry. The tastes are somehow very odd to me, some are really sweet like Similac. I still prefer natural taste. I'd rather drink fresh milk for calcium intake.
Read moreHmmm.. I actually drink pure goats milk. Though it’s not as tasteful as cows milk it does have a lot of natural benefits. It comes in white milk and chocolate. Maybe you might want to try a small bottle first, you can get it from haydairies. I actually feel a lot more energetic whenever I drink milk every morning and baby is getting the calcium he/she needs too.
Read moreHi I also only drink folic acid. Now I am pregnant 10w. Doctor said my baby still small so no need milk or Vit. Some more I have problems with smells. It's really hard for me this few weeks :( I didn't eat much and can't even go out from house.
For me, I rather eat the supplements that gynae prescribed after week 12. At least it’s prescribed by gynae and not “self-prescribe” milk. I will only drink those milk if I have poor appetite and needed the nutrients from maternal milk.
Read moreI stopped taking the pills and drank maternal milk only (2 cups a day) from 2nd tri onwards during my pregnancy. All was ok! But materal milk is high in sugar content, so if you think you w be prone to GD must be careful.
Maternal milk is ok until you do your GD test. If you have GD, then best not to take. For supplements, best to heed doctor’s advice as you may not be getting all the nutrients you need from your diet alone.
Folic acid is good to for baby la lol. Multivitamins also good. Maternal milk most of it very sweet can cause pregnancy diabetes. Consume normal milk can alrdy la
I prefer FrisoMum. Drinking it since pregnant and throughout breastfeeding. realised its better for me and baby and i really dont feel so tired all the time.
I like friso! Can get samples from the dairy companies before you buy. I haven't bought any and have been surviving on samples throughout my pregnancy
I prefer consuming the vitamins prescribed by the gyne. Besides maternal milk contains alot of sugar which can also result in weight gain.
Mama of 1 troublemaking junior, Twin Angels & 3rd one baking