After birth is there any fast ways to lose all pregnancy weight ?

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I was told bf can lose alot of weight. But unfortunately I don't have enough bf for my baby so now he's on formulae. I was kinda depressed about my weight too. Bought every god damn slimming gel I can, even tried slimming coffee after I stopped bf. But till birth to now, I've lost 10kg. Think gradually we'll Al lose weight. Cos we'll lose the water retention. But I eat lesser portions and try to only eat rice or noodles once a day. Hopefully it helps. Drink enough water too! If not will have water retention. Hehe.

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I will always tell my friends not to rush bcoz we took 9 months to gain the weight.. Definitely need sometime to lose it. Breast feeding is a good way. And also exercise n food u eat plays a part. Took me almost 8 months to fit into my pre pregnancy jeans.

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I had a caesarean, i lost 8kgs in the first 2 weeks without doing anything, just breastfeeding. Also, gotta watch what you eat.

Breastfeeding, eating properly and exercising too. Dieting is not recommended as you’ll need enough nutrients to feed your child

Breastfeeding is the best way I think! + eat well and maybe some light workout whenever possible

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Breastfeeding, eat less but more meals.. exercise...

Breastfeeding, eat well and you can try yoga as well

VIP Member

Breast feed! That made me shed calories.