Would you adopt a child?
Would you adopt a child?
Voice your Opinion
Absolutely, I won't discriminate
Depends on the situation

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Sy memang nak anak angkat. Nak sangat, macam nak ada anak sendiri. Walau dah ada anak sendiri. Mungkin orang fikir sy tamak, tapi sy ada reason sendiri kenapa nak anak angkat.

VIP Member

Nope..coz i got my own child 😉✌alhmdulillah for the rzky that i hev..

VIP Member

Bergantung. Jika keadaan memerlukan, mungkin akan ambil anak angkat

I think is something I will explore on

Depends on the situation

why not..tgk pd keadaan

Super Mum

Depend #TAPSupermoms

Why not???

Super Mum

why not?