Protein Powder
Can we add protein powder in meals or smoothie for 3 years old?

Overall, children should get enough protein every day if they eat two servings of dairy, such as milk, yogurt, cheese, and one or two servings of lean protein, such as lean beef, pork, poultry, fish. Anything additional from protein supplements exceeds their daily needs.
Hi, it's not very necessary for kids in my opinion. Unless your paediatrician recommends it, I suggest skipping that. And I heard you might also be exposed to risk of causing calcium loss and dehydration if taken in excess..
While putting protein powder in your child’s food to boost protein intake seems reasonable, it’s often unnecessary. Putting protein powder in your child’s food may pose some health risks and may even be dangerous.
Hi... it’s not advisable. However, please read this article for more information on balance diet for toddlers
I Guess better to give protien food than supplements or powders .. there r variety of foods which can be rich in protien ..
I recommend use natural ingredients. Your child is just 3. Feed him natural protein. No need for protein powder
Depends on what brand etc also but I wouldnt encourage you to use protein powder though
Why do you want to add protein powder? Is it for weight gain? Then just feed bananas
I'll prefer to go with natural sources
Nope, not recommended.