NIPT test?

hi! is the above test for down syndrome? i heard need to draw some blood. able to know the baby gender in advance also? ?

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Had it twice, first on my 13 weeks, second 16 weeks and both the result come as “high data noise” so there’s nothing to do since the result itself is unclear. And I don’t opt for another test anymore, I’m now 26 weeks & from the usg itself several doctors said that baby is very active, have a nose bone (which means he don’t have which kind of trisomy I forgot) and all the physical exam showing my boy is quite normal, but well, the simple truth for every pregnant woman out there is there are no 100% guarantees even from any tests or USG until the baby is born.

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Please take note that this is not a CONCLUSIVE test for Down’s Syndrome. It’s a screening test to tell you the risk only. Do not take the result as final. If can wait, find out gender later on through ultrasound. If you’re doing this for Down’s Syndrome screening, think about the outcome. If it’s high risk, are you going to abort the baby? If not high risk, there is still risk. Will it totally put you at ease? Or do you need to know conclusively? There’s a lot to consider if you’re doing this test for chromosome screening.

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5y ago

Yes. I am singaporean, and I am in the US, was going to come back to Singapore for the rest of the pregnancy, but at 12 weeks this week, my NIPT test came back high risk for Trisomy 18. It has been a traumatic week to say the least, went through ultrasound again, and this time they said NT measured 3.6mm(normal should be below 3mm). Now I have taken CVS and waiting for results which will be more than 14 days wait. Then I have to decide if I am terminating (Trisomy18 has a Godless sad heartbreaking prognosis, many miscarry, and those who carry to term don’t live beyond a year). I won’t say not to take NIPT, because it does help prevent farther tragedy especially it is worse farther down the pregnancy, but more mothers need to be aware that NIPT is NOT a diagnosis. When it says 95% accuracy, it means the accuracy of ASSESSING THE RISK! It doesn’t mean your baby is at 95% risk! Although it looks bad for us at this point, I just want to share this so that more are aware of what they are si


My gynae said that since im still young, my baby is not at high risk for down's syndrome so we're decided to do the Oscar test instead. Nipt is more expensive but more accurate. Oscar test showed that im low risk and my baby came out normal. If you got money, do the nipt. If not dont bother.

Did Oscar. But got really bad results. So went for Panorama. All is well and get to know baby's gender too. So I'll advise its either you do Panorama or don't do any test at all. Oscar is definitely not as accurate compared to Panorama.

Yup! And yes need to draw blood. Depending on which test you take, I think Oscar doesn’t show the gender. Other tests I heard of like panorama and harmony allows you to know gender. I did NICE test. Also know gender.

Did Harmony which cost about $900+. It test for trisomy 18, 21 & 22. 21 is for down syndrome while 18 & 22 are more severe. Also tells u of the gender. Btw, there are no more subsidies for these tests anymore.

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I think have to request (and maybe more expensive than the normal one), if not, by default only hv result for down syndrome & 3 types of chromosomes abnormalities

6y ago

my gynae's clinic doesn't include gender test for the NIPT, but my friend's gynae hv 2 option for oscar test, the test that include gender called Panorama, cost about $1200 she said, the normal one only cost about $550

VIP Member

Took the Oscar instead as it included a detailed scan. Nipt is very accurate but can only scan for chromosomal abnormalities

Not recommended,especially if you are still gonna keep your baby no matter if he or she is abnormal its just waste of Money

VIP Member

Yes. It’s considered 99% accurate test for Down syndrome and it can reveal the baby gender too.

6y ago

thanks!! how long did the results take to come out? 😬