8 Replies

VIP Member

Like what others said, apply diaper rash cream... But u can also standby a small potable bidet bottle (filled with boiled water) to spray her pte parts every few hours. The concept is sort of like u freshen up ur face with facial mist. If don't have those small bidet bottles u can try to go Daiso buy a spray bottle...then after spraying... pat dry the area with dry tissues. I only use wet tissues to wipe off poo or during diaper change, then if u can, bring her to wash her butt if possible, if not just use e spray spray n wipe dry. Or if u have those Evian water spray also can.

i use Desitin (purple) after every poops/pee, change diaper every 3 hrs, bring her butt to basin and wash instead of using wet wipes. if it got worse after few days, it would be best to see doc to stop the rash from spreading.

I applied Desitin (blue) for every diaper change.. And I changed diaper every 3-4 hours during day time to keep it dry.. When she poo I will bring her to the toilet to wash because I feel it is cleaner this way

sorry to hear this and hope your baby recovers soon. I use a few drops of extra virgin coconut oil as a nappy cream and my baby seems to be ok so far. What is your usual nappy routine like?

I just put purple desitin every diaper change become like and get worse

Hi! I’ll usually use Sudocrem! Pls rmb to dry your child’s private part before applying any cream! Hope it helps and your child can get well soon ❤️

Can try Desitin (purple), cures quite fast. Pls do wash her often instead of wiping it all the time.

Put more drapolene... Wash rather use wipes when change diaper..

I use bepanthen or drapolene on my baby’s rashes

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