infant scared of grandparents
My 5m+ LO is terrified of grandparents :( will literally cry bloody murder when we visit them. We are currently staying with my in laws but she is okay with them, once a week we will visit my parents side but she keeps crying. Any tips to introduce her to strangers/unfamiliar people:(

That’s quite normal actually. When meeting your parents, don’t pass her to them first. Carry her, let her see your parents from a distance, while you introduce them to her and talk to them. Let her see that these are people whom you know. Gradually move closer to them while continuing to engage in conversation. They can start saying hi to her, maybe stroking her hand or head. They can make funny faces or talk to her while you’re still carrying her and making her feel safe. They can also offer her something like a toy. After she starts reacting positively to them like smiling or reaching out to them, then you can slowly pass her to them, but you need to stay there within her reach for a while, and now you can talk to her and reassure her. Essentially it’s just a gradual process of familiarisation:)
Read moreAfter CB my baby 7 mo also cry when my parents want to carry him. Very sad coz he used to see them every weekend and loves to be carried by them. In fact he used to be ok with anyone carrying him. But now 3rd time visit my parents he is ok already, I think he remembers them after afew times. Give your child a choice. Hold on to him and carry him when u visit them so he feels secure. Ask ur parents to hold out their hands to him, if he reach out to them then pass him over. If not then ask them to hang around but give him some space slowly get use to them.
Read moreIt’s fear of strangers which is normal. You have to help your LO feel comfortable by letting her meet new people in a safe and comfortable environment. For example, carry your LO when you introduce him to strangers. She will also feel more comfortable with a stranger if he’s at home. If she gets very upset with a new person, comfort her and try a different approach. Take her comfort item (chou chou, toy or blanket) with you to new situations and when you’re spending time with new people. Take it slowly and patiently.
Read moreMy tips for my LO , is whenever i reach my in law house , i will put him down on the floor and let him roam and crawl himself , i entertain him with his favourite toys . We will then chit chat among ourself , within 15 minutes my LO would then crawl all over the house and be happy to be carried by my in laws ! Do not pass her to your parents when u step in the house . Just let your LO have her own pace . It works for me
Read moreThe best way is to have frequent visits and also to keep showing photos of your parents every now and then so that the LO gets used to it
Maybe before visiting, show photos of grandparents first and tell baby who they are
my girl cry whenever she visit her grands, just need time and bring over often
Warm up baby or bring your baby out more often to see strangers like to park.
Normal, LO just needs time to recongnize Grandparents again.
Visit more often?