infant scared of grandparents

My 5m+ LO is terrified of grandparents :( will literally cry bloody murder when we visit them. We are currently staying with my in laws but she is okay with them, once a week we will visit my parents side but she keeps crying. Any tips to introduce her to strangers/unfamiliar people:(

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Super Mum

That’s quite normal actually. When meeting your parents, don’t pass her to them first. Carry her, let her see your parents from a distance, while you introduce them to her and talk to them. Let her see that these are people whom you know. Gradually move closer to them while continuing to engage in conversation. They can start saying hi to her, maybe stroking her hand or head. They can make funny faces or talk to her while you’re still carrying her and making her feel safe. They can also offer her something like a toy. After she starts reacting positively to them like smiling or reaching out to them, then you can slowly pass her to them, but you need to stay there within her reach for a while, and now you can talk to her and reassure her. Essentially it’s just a gradual process of familiarisation:)

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