2 Replies

At this stage, i wouldnt recommend to fix his feeding schedule, just follow their cues and feed on demand. It maybe tiring as it may sounds but every bb is unique so just take cues from them rather than stopping them if they r hungry. I started work 2mths back but have been coping well so well, yes can be tiring due to the night feeds but ur body will adjust to it, how amazing. Also note that if u try to fix a schedule now, there will a sleep regression during 4th mth whereby they will wake up more than often in MOTN but it is temporary. I suffered an hourly schedule during this period. Sleep early with ur lo if possible to have quality sleep.

you can start training him to regulate to your schedule if you are planning to go back to work. but honestly at that age baby's feeding and sleeping patterns are still regulating, that's why it's quite erratic. you could try tanking him with milk before sleep and see if he will sleep through the night or at least wake up less during the night. Personally, I would just keep to his current patterns for now since he is still quite young.