My 2mo Likes To Be Cuddled To Sleep

My 2mo likes to be cuddled to sleep. When cuddle she can fall asleep very fast but once put down to her crib or even my bed, she will wake up immediately and start crying until I carry her again. Any mom has the same experience? I can't do anything during the day time as I need to hold her throughout her nap time.

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You can try lullabies music to put babies to sleep. I usually play when I wan to make baby sleep. Even now 16 months I still play the music till morning. There is this 8hrs or 10hrs. Play on an ipad till next day baby woke up. Or let baby drink milk before bed might helps. When u put baby now pat the side of the leg. Otherwise carry baby for 1hr and then slowly put down. If baby can sleep on the pram then put baby sleep during day time nap. This is wat I did. Hope it helps u..

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5y ago

Yes. I do tat afternoon nap n nite time too

Hi mommy my baby is like that as well. Try to play some lullabies or sing to ur baby. What we do is before putting our baby down to his cot we make sure baby is in a deep sleep so he wont wake up immediately. Its ok if we cant do anything much if we carry our baby. Once they dose off then we can do our things. Babies like cuddles and hugs.

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5y ago

We can put him to sleeo for 30mins longest would be 1hr

VIP Member

Exactly like my 2 months lo too. I use sarong in the day. Night time I will swaddle and cuddle her till she sleeps (10 to 20mins - depending on how tired she is). I will ensure that she has exhausted some energy before bed. Now she sleeps for 6 to 7 hours through the night.

5y ago

That's great! Hope both my baby and I can achieve that 7 hour sleeping milestone soon too 🤣

Well you could use swaddle that is for her age. I use swaddle for my 8 mths old when he was 0-8mths. And he slept well. I use alot of brand but i would like to recommend woombie swaddle.

5y ago

Have u tried lullaby songs? Something soothing? Or maybe use aroma therapy for sleeping.

VIP Member

Same. Babies like to be cuddled. My baby is now 5 months and I still cuddle her to sleep on most days. It’s tough but I really enjoy these sessions.

5y ago

Hang in there! It will get better as your baby grows older. You can try to cuddle and wait for 15 minutes after your baby falls asleep before putting her down. Try to switch on white noise and keep the room cool too.

Might be a bit late to start now but can try to let other people carry her so that she get different 'smell' and not only recognize mummy's smell.

Same here. I put her in sarong (spring type). Baby is okay with it because the sarong wraps her tightly, similar to the uterus

5y ago

About 30 mins.. Sometimes can stretch to an hour..

Hey, Please try singing lullabies. That should really help the baby to sleep

5y ago

Yup I did but the main problem is she still only prefer to sleep in my arm.

VIP Member

swaddle or use a rocking chair

5y ago

I did try swaddle but she still wake up once put her in her crib :(