hi... my 22 month old suddenly refuse to sleep at night.. she will cry when we put on her pyjamas.. she won't sleep on the bed and only want grandma to carry her... in the middle of the night, she will wake up and asking grandma to carry her again.. sometimes she will ask for milk, when I bring it to her she don't want to drink... she will keep asking for something but when we give her, she say no no no... this has been happening for 4 nights.. any advise please? thanks

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Sounds like your baby may be experiencing separation-anxiety (I am assuming that her grandmother is her primary caregiver). Here is an article that you may find useful: http://www.babysleepsite.com/sleep-training/baby-toddler-sleep-separation-anxiety/ Not sure if this is what your child is experiencing but this is common for children approaching 2 years of age. Hope the article shed some light on what she may be going through and what you could do to help. Take care!!

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Iszt your daughter look after by her grandma? If yes is like that kids always find someone trust and look after her everyday. If you are a working mother try spend more time for her because she only mix around with her grandma everyday.

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The say no no no part sounds so familiar. Sometimes cant understand the babies.