Sleeping issue
My 20 months old LO recently these few days have been hard to get her to sleep and she just keeps crying even though I tried many ways or things it takes a long time for her to fall asleep... Anyone has any idea how to make her fall asleep faster and easier?

Hey Rebecca, With me, I find having a routine for the kids work. Important that we also calm the house down at night. So my nightly routine with the kids - 1) TV is off at least half and hour before bedtime 2) we dim all the lights in the house 3) children have a glass of warm milk 4) brush their teeth 5) story time (they get a max of 2 books per child) 6) night prayers 7) lights out We also set up an oil diffuser with lavender and eucalyptus essential oils. You could try any of these and see if it works for you :)
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Mama of 1 cutie