My 18th month old dotter is super fussy and picky when it comes to food. She will like to self feed at the most ten spoons then stops. (small bb spoons) and play with the food. She had nv seriously finished a bowl of porridge or anything before. I tried cooking with new methods and even "upgrade" my ingredients to what I see she might like. Just not working. She is on bm and im weaning her off with goat milk. I heard that bm had no iron, so I'm quite scare that she will be deprived of it, plus the fact that she hates food. Worried mum.

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You may find this article useful: According to the article, iron in breast milk is easily absorbed by the child. If you are worried about your child not getting enough iron, you can try cooking more of the food that are rich in iron (these is a list in the article, examples are sweet potato, green vegetables like spinach and watercress, grains like brown rice, millet, and quinoa, tofu, dried fruits etc). Couple such food with other baby food high in vitamin C will aid in the absorption. The article also provides a table with the normal iron levels for children of various age groups. I would suggest that if you are very concerned about this, arrange for your child to get a test to find out her iron level (after weaning from breast milk) and seek the doctor’s take on whether iron supplementation is required. Hope this helps!

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Have tried with different textures of food? My 20 months girl will sometimes go through food strike due to teething. During these period, she will prefer noodle or udon rather than rice or porridge. After the food strike is over, she will be eating non-stop before the cycle start again. It could be a phrase and will pass through eventually. You can try reading the book, "my kids don't eat".

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I would suggest on taking over the feeding, do not let her self feed as she is not ready for it. In this way, you can control her food intake. As for BM, yes it is true that iron is low fr BM I replace the iron intake by giving more iron rich food

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U would need to educate her and teach her wat is right and wrong. Kids nowadays r very smart so they will understand wat we says. You may also 1 2 take over the feeding and be stern and strict.

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