17th May, Friday. The day itself is full of bless. baby girl 1.64kg was born pre-mature on 34w. now mommy struggle nak banyakkan susu badan cause baby too fragile. done berurut, done consume horlicks but still the same. another ways to deliver more milk?

Pump to increase the demand of production . Bila breast nak dekat penuh akan terasa , ibu boleh tahu so time ni boleh start pump . Then ulang setiap 2 ke 3 jam
sis boleh try mkn mamom n buat air longan kering cmpur kurma kering .. sy buat 2 nie je . Alhamdulillah smpai skg bby 1y 3m still breastfeed😉
Try rebus kurma merah, minum air dia.. In sha Allah susu banyak..
noted, thankyou
Sis try minum jus pegaga.. Makan lobak putih dan daun pegaga
Pump every 2-3 hours kalau baby tak boleh direct feed lg.
thankyou mommy ❤
jd sis stay d hospital la ni?
aamiin.. 1.8kg dah boleh discharge dah.. yup baby is fine except she cannot hadam susu formula and kurang berat badan.. so im struggling meriah kan my breastmilk..
young mommy to be