Only Babbles and coincidence 1 word: OK, mama, sleep.
My 3 year 4 months old girl not talking yet.
Only babbles ‘Mama’ only. Still worry.. am going to therapy for 4 session next mth, hopefully it works.
Any advise too?
9 Replies
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Every child is different. My younger child started to talk when she almost three and is so talkative now. Your paediatrician will refer her to KKH for follow up if necessary.
Mine 1 year 5 month only babbles not even mama.... i am worry tooo. Thank for the comment feel relieve.🙂
mine too... 3y plus & couldnt... almost went to speech therapist... but then started & super chatty now
my child only started talking well after 3yo but so talkative now 😅
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It should be fine. If you're worried do bring your child to a pediatrician
Mom of 3 curious beautiful princess daughters