2 Replies

Hi mama, babies do vary their intake from day today. You can try to set a gentle routine if you'd like to have a bit more predictability. At 8 weeks the maternal melatonin (that regulates sleep) wears off, so sleep may become a bit poorer for some babies. Young babies are still quite driven by basic needs, if you managed to pat him back to sleep, he should be alright. Babies will let us know when they are really hungry. You're doing alright don't worry! Personally, I would actually take the 7am as first feed and 5am is still considered night wake feed and extension of night sleep.


hi mama every baby intake of milk differently. you are so lucky to have your baby sttn that young. your baby might have growth spurt which he or she cries for milk more frequently. you should follow baby cues if your baby wakes up asking for milk just give if your baby sleeping then just let your baby sleep

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