Baby feed only when crying after midnight
Im a FTM, and my baby is currently 9 days old. He’s on formula milk fully and feed every 3hrs. However sometimes to keep our sanity at night, as he would not sleep at all once he’s awake at night till daylight, we would feed him every 3 hours day to night but after midnight, we would only feed him if he wakes up and cry, can be every 4 hours or so. So far he’s still slowly gaining weight. His jaundice is still within normal range of 191. Is it ok? #firstbaby #FTM

Hi there. I checked with my gynae and peads and no I'm sorry I will share again and again and again. Babies under three months MUST be fed every two or three hours through the night! And with jaundice regular feedings is VERY important so the body disposes bilirubin excess efficiently. Because high levels of jaundice = bad consequences for the brain. We went through this recently. SO PLEASE. Its super exhaustion we know. My husband and i had so many meltdowns but its for the baby. We can bounce back sooner or later. A child who is unfed more than three hours is just NO😭😭😭 Ill share again why i was reprimanded by my peads. I FELL ASLEEP ONE NIGHT AROUND 3RD WEEK AND WOKE UP FIVE HOURS LATER WITH BABY CRYING SO WEAKLY from hunger. I overslept my 2.5hr alarms. And the poor baby. it was heartbreaking. I cried for hours knowing that both of us were too weak and exhausted to wake up and feed her that one time. im sorry but please take turns to feed. i feel u i hear u. its tough and depression sets in. but u dont wanna end up at the hospital with a hurt baby. u dont wanna starve the child. baby needs u😞 AND PS. ITS NOT ABOUT BABY GAINING WEIGHT OR NOT. Baby needs regular feedings and care consistently please. I swear we parents need to be better at getting info and doing our best. I hope ur baby will get better soon
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for my LO 1st month, nanny took care of her so every 3 hours she was being fed, afterwards i took care of my LO and only fed my her when she wakes up because she wont want to drink milk if i would to wake her up to do so. yes, i tried before and she cry, doesn't want to drink milk, only wants to sleep back. this lasted til when she was about 2 months old, then she slept all the way til morning. now that she is 6 months old, her last feed is around 10.30pm and usually gets up around 7am+ for milk. sometimes 9am+
Read moreI do mixed feeding (latch with FM top up) and kept trying to wake my 4 day old baby up to feed every 3 hours but she’s not interested. I mentioned it to the lactation consultant and she told me babies fed with FM/mixed and latched BM have different feeding schedules. If latching have to wake every 3-4 hours to feed cause their intake can’t be tracked. But FM can feed on demand when the baby is hungry.
Read moreShould not be a problem if he is gaining weight and growing. That’s what I did for the midnight too. I’ll just wait for baby’s cue. I think 4 hours is not too long. Usually newborns should be around 2 to 3 hourly feed, if not 3-4 hourly.
I think 9 days old still too young, i would definitely feed every 3hours.. and with the jaundice level close to 200 should feed more often ba
Best is to ask your gynae or pd on the next visit cause the baby is still so young