Baby not drinking well! Always fell asleep after two sucks!
I’m honestly going bonkers over my 3mo baby’s feeding. She suddenly became very difficult to feed. Taking longer to drink and doesn’t finish her milk. Milk will leak from her mouth while drinking…. I’ve changed multiple sizes of teats but none really worked! Made me confused also if it really was the teat issue… and she is always so sleepy during her feed. Suck every two times and stop… I’m worried cos i fear she is not going to have a proper weight gain at the rate that she is going. I dunno if its milk strike, and if it is, how do i overcome this? Any mummies have experiences like that? Can help this desperate mum here??#advicepls #pleasehelp
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Hi mummies, I’ve kept up with a growing stock of breast milk in my freezer that is 10 days ago. What I’ve been doing is continue with my current pump and freezing my newly pumped milk while feeding my baby the older batch of frozen milk. Is this okay or i should always give freshly expressed milk? Another thing is by freezing the milk means I’ve to get alot of storage bags which are not so environmental friendly and costly… plus they take up fridge space. Advice or comments?? Ps: I’m not latching my baby yet as she doesn’t like it. #plsadvise
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I’m the main parent to take care of my newborn and as she doesn’t latch, i’ve to exclusively pump for her. Been going on for months and honestly it’s physically n mentally tiring. Sometimes when she’s being cranky and needs my attention, I missed or delayed my pump session and that causes leaking breasts and pain. I can only quickly pump out the milk as soon as I’m able to settle the baby. I’m so tired of leaking breasts and all the washing that is accompanied with the pump. Sometimes I have this strong urge to switch the baby to formula instead then i will also have more time for her without the pumping schedules n washing regime. I’ll like to know if working mummies are still keeping to the 3hrly pumping routine? How to juggle pumping n your rest time especially when u r returning to work?#pleasehelp
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I’m a new mum and me and my husband are handling baby’s night sleep together. There’s a couple of questions which i would like to ask… 1) when its time for feed and baby is still sleeping, do you wait for baby to wake or just wake baby up for the feed? 2) baby doesn’t like to latch and is drinking every 3 hours. Managing my 3 hourly pump at the same time while preparing for baby’s bottle feeding is stressful. What should i do to better manage this? 3) when does the feeding interval increases? From 3 hourly to longer? #1stimemom #advicepls #nightfeed
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