Baby not drinking well! Always fell asleep after two sucks!

I’m honestly going bonkers over my 3mo baby’s feeding. She suddenly became very difficult to feed. Taking longer to drink and doesn’t finish her milk. Milk will leak from her mouth while drinking…. I’ve changed multiple sizes of teats but none really worked! Made me confused also if it really was the teat issue… and she is always so sleepy during her feed. Suck every two times and stop… I’m worried cos i fear she is not going to have a proper weight gain at the rate that she is going. I dunno if its milk strike, and if it is, how do i overcome this? Any mummies have experiences like that? Can help this desperate mum here??#advicepls #pleasehelp

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Not sure if it's the same issue, but mine suddenly refused to latch for a few days but was inconsistent when taking the bottle too. I later realised her nose is blocked and the drinking positions makes it uncomfortable for her to breathe thus she refused to drink. We used the saline spray for her nose to clear the block and she's drinking fine now. On falling asleep, are her naps at least an hour long? Sometimes her cycles are messy and she's not getting enough rest thus she ends up falling asleep while feeding. Can try implementating E.A.S.Y framework If she's not drinking enough, she may also be lethargic from dehydration so must make sure she still has wet diapersn

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4y ago

oh dear it must be worrisome, hope her drinking improves soon!

Super Mum

It could be a milk strike, my baby also went through certain periods of 3-4 days like that but went back to normal after. Other signs would be more fussy, clingy and harder to put to sleep. Not much you can do but wait it out

did you clean her tongue? as sometimes baby doesn’t want to drink bcos of milk stain on their tongue.

4y ago

Okok will try! Thanks for suggesting!

Super Mum

sounds like growth spurt. my child experienced this before as well.

4y ago

Serious? So how did your child overcome this or what should i do abt it?