I’m a new mum and me and my husband are handling baby’s night sleep together. There’s a couple of questions which i would like to ask… 1) when its time for feed and baby is still sleeping, do you wait for baby to wake or just wake baby up for the feed? 2) baby doesn’t like to latch and is drinking every 3 hours. Managing my 3 hourly pump at the same time while preparing for baby’s bottle feeding is stressful. What should i do to better manage this? 3) when does the feeding interval increases? From 3 hourly to longer? #1stimemom #advicepls #nightfeed
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Hi there! Would like to ask fellow mummies if their 8/9 month old still needed night feedings? If yes , how many ml of milk and what's the frequency of feeding like ? My 8 month old has started solid but he is drinking about 120-150ml of milk every 2 to 3.5 hrs. At night he still need abt 2 feedings approx 4 hours apart. Also he moves a lot in his sleep , is it the case for ur baby too ? #nightfeed #8_months_old
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Hi, first time mummy here so I am still learning as I go. Understand that different babies behaves differently. Recently went for my 1 year old check up and doctor said it is not normal that my 1 year old still requite night feeding. He suggested that I give my son late dinner so that he can sleep longer at night. However, my son eats small frequent meals. I tried to extend his night feeds by 1 hour (from 4 hour to 5 hour interval) but realises that he started crying because he is hungry and has problems going back to sleep. So can I check if any mummies who have babies above 12 months that still need 1-2 night feedings ? Say after 4-5 hours. Was taken aback by the doctor comment but I find that my baby sleeps well when I feed him at night. He will usually start to move alot and give small cries whenever he wants milk. Any advise or comments welcome! #nightfeed #firsttime_mommy
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