Do your newborn poop often? Or when feeding the newborn will start to poop? Isit normal?

Yup my newborn poop seriously too much. From D4 (first night back home) we changed almost 10 diapers, but of course they weren't full load. The diaper change slowly reduced at D7 with mix BM + formula feed (8feeding / day, 60ml/feed)
Thanks all 😊 And also feel so weird when my newborn measure the weight when wearing clothes the weight is increasing and never wear clothes the weight is decreasing . Is this mean got gain weight or never??
Yes very normal:) at the beginning, more poop (meconium) is good because it gets rid of the pigments and also helps the jaundice to go away. As long as baby’s drinking bm/fm well, it’s fine:)
Expect at least 3 bowel movements per day, but may be up to 4-12 for some babies. After this, baby may only poop every few days. Baby will usually pass more stool after starting solids.
Yes, babies tummies are so small so they poop quite often, especially when you're breastfeeding because breast milks are easier to digest
Yes new born poop more especially if it’s breastfeed. Follow the chart. Should reduce overtime
Yes it’s normal. My newborn poo at least once a day. Usually few hours after feeding.
Yes normal. If you haVe any doubts you may wish to consult your pediatrician
Yes its normal for newborn to poop right after feeding. Dont worry to much.
Yes, it’s normal. If you’re breastfeeding, your baby will poop often