Burntout stress

Yesterday, it was the hardest day for me. Almost 24 hr i didnt manage to get sleep due to my daughter , 6 month old was awake from 7pm to 7am in the morning. Until my husband is back from night shify. Thruout that 12 hr she sleep 20min and then keep crying and crying. I was going crazy. I dont know why is she like this. I had a toddler to handle too. Any moms going through a period that baby cry and cant be console or comfort?

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hmmmm i can only think of colic, or sleep regression. if she does it again tonight, just soothe her with pacifier, or tap and soothe with soften voice. also, maybe try to burp her? might be gassy. i hope tonight is better than last night. you can do it Mama!

growth spurt, tht happen with my first one.. i almost not sleep every night cry n cry...and she is very difficult to put down . and try to make the room cool and dark give cuddle. if the bany have colic try to burb n give massage .

hi mummies thankyou for all the replies and support, my baby had fever that morning , most probably she felt uncomfortable and weak. thank you all

Oh dear. I hope today has turned out better for you by now. Is your baby sick?

does she have colic?

