Yes or No? Advise please?

Unless there are medical reasons breastfeeding is definitely a better option. Aside from nutritional benefits for baby, some other benefits are cost saving (formula milk is really expensive), time saving (doesn't have to leave baby wailing for 5 minutes while you prepare bottle) and allows more skin on skin time which helps baby's development. The first month will be difficult but once things settle it will be a breeze and I actually really enjoy it now!
Read moreFor me yes. Initially it was so difficult and tiring and I was so close to giving up. Now I am thankful every day that I persevered as it makes me feel soooo close to baby 🥰 but formula milk is also good, do what works best! As long as mama & baby are healthy and happy!
yes as much as you can... Bear in mind also that a happy mummy makes a happy baby... Breastfeeding isn’t easy but fulfilling. But at the end of the day, remember that fed is best. Breastmilk or formula, it doesn’t make one a better mother than the other.
Yes, if there is no Medical reason for not breastfeeding, it’s beneficial for both mum and baby :)
Yes. It’s good for the baby and mother in terms of health benefits as well as bonding.:)
If you can, why not? It is good for Baby. but breastfed or formula both are good for baby
yes if u can. but of cos feel free to supplement if u can't
Yes, atleast a year 😍 bmilk is good for the baby & you.
Yes definitely! Its very good for baby
Definitely yes!