Would like to check if there is any medicine which we could take to resolve engorgement issue?

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There are other ways to resolve engorgement issues such as: *Trying a warm compress before nursing and a cold compress afterwards. *Placing chilled cabbage leaves on each breast *Using your hand or a pump to express a little milk and relieve a bit of pressure. *Massage your breasts gently while nursing to help get the milk flowing. *Make sure your bra fits well — not too tight, but snug and supportive. *Feed your baby frequently. To minimize pain and tenderness: *Wear a snug-fitting bra. *Use ice packs to help soothe discomfort. If engorment gets worst, suggest you see doctor for medication instead if self-medicate.

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To reduce inflammation - Danzen To make it easier for you to pump out the milk - lecithin
