Would like to check whether anyone give lo drink water when lo is 5 months? I understand if lo is fully BF you don't need to give them water but what if lo is half BF and fm ? Do you give lo drink water and how much?

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You could give the baby slips of water not more than 10ml daily and slowly cos formula tend to be a little dry for them and especially when u do mix feeding.. I feed my boy little water after each feeding cos to raise off the milk in the mouth to prevent tooth decay.. and nowadays the weather are warm is good to give baby water to keep them hydrated a little.. and little water dun really harm them so yes please do let them drink boys of water but not a lot at one go.. just slips on and off..

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It is not recommended to give water to babies under 6 months old. Usually water is introduced when the baby starts solid to help minimize the chances of getting constipation if I'm not mistaken. It is not recommended to give young babies water as it is void of nutrients, and could easily fill a baby up. So even when water is given to babies older than 6 months, only small amounts should be given to prevent the baby getting full from water and refusing regular food and breast milk.

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8y ago

hmm.. usually just a few sips after solids. I think less than a cup in total a day.

breastmilk are c0ntains 88%of water .s0 that we d0nt need t0 gve 0ur lo water .unless they take a f0rmula they need a small am0unt 0f water t0 take when they feed a f0rmula milk t0 help the milk g0 d0wn t0 their intstine.but water is n0t rec0mmended up t0 6 m0s 0f 0ur lo especialy whn they are breastfeeding

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a few spoons after feeding will do. nothing too much. I avoid water for my elder that he had bad consitipation issue. my younger son though fully breastfed. i still offer sips of water

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In general, baby do not need to drink water until about 6 months old. Until then, he gets all the hydration he needs from breast milk or formula.

VIP Member

If baby is drinking FM, i will give baby just a few sips after drinking FM, to wash his mouth, as FM residue is thicker.

8y ago

Just a few sips, you can try use spoon will do, after 6 months, you can start giving your LO straw bottle, hence when the time you need them drink more water, they are already suckling it well already. Don't start with sippy cups, itMs a waste of money.

VIP Member

It's not advised under 6 months even for half formula babies. Why do you want to give water? What's the purpose?

8y ago

My friends keep telling me that my baby have rashes as he did not drink water

I give a few spoons after feeding, Even with breastfeeding, i gave some water

I give a few spoons after feed and nothing more.