
9 Replies


my hub has been doing all the motn feeds and night feeds since 2yrs ago when I gave birth to my first child. now 2nd child also the same. my bb is bf n he does it, I'm an EP mom btw πŸ˜€ even when bb could latch, he ask me to latch just in the day if I want and rest at night cos I already waking to pump so frequently. there's nothing wrong with him doing the night feeding 😌 it's a shared responsibility and unless he is complaining, it's ok! I felt guilty initially too but later accepted n looked on the brighter side 😁

Don't feel guilty! You deserve the sleep. I wish my hubby does tt but then again, I'd prefer to breastfeed baby at night (baby is on mixed feed formula & breastfeed). But my hubby sometimes wakes up to help change baby's diaper and in the day if he's not working (he works shifts), he'll help to feed her and let me have my nap. Do whatever works for both of you!

I would say, enjoy while it last, don’t think too much haha. Likewise if he were the opp, you would be thinking why your husband don’t do night feedings πŸ˜‚. By then baby start sleeping thru the night, his night feeding journey is done πŸ˜…. Mine on the other hand just passes me the milk and…. Snores πŸ˜‡.

I made the milk and store in fridge (baby drinks cold milk). So he just take and back to sleep, sometimes I wanna punch him so badly when I still have to continue pumping while he snores away 🀣

I'm an EP mum and my husband does all the bottle feeding and most diaper change throughout the day while I focus on pumping and household chores. Baby is almost 3mo. Dont feel bad as we are also dealing with a lot, especially if you are still pumping :)

my husband also does the same thing. my baby is about 3 months old. He has been doing that since Day 1 and allows me to sleep in. don't need to feel guilty about it as he's also the parent. but you can appreciate him through different ways.

i gonna ask my hubby to do night feed too during paternity. but baby will be able to sleep thru the night one day so actually is not too tough for him la. i will let him rest during the day while my mum help me

sigh, you are very blessed to have a husband that helps with night feeds. when my nanny left, i handled my LO's both morning & night feeds - the only time he'll help is when he has extra time after work :(

My husband does most of the night feedings and I let him cause I’m taking care of a lot other matters and I deserve the sleep.


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