34 Replies
Bedtime routine for 8 months old 1. stand and sit in his cot 2. Drink milk 3. Hug his favourite pillow 4. Fall asleep Routine for my 4yo 1. Read book 2. Drink water 3. Off light n close door 4. Talk bout the day and fall asleep on the bed
Baby Riko bedtime routine: 1. Last milk usually at 9pm 2. Keep only lamp lights on and aircon on 3. Bonding time with her 4. Around 10.30pm, swaddle her and put her in cot 5. After awhile, she will be in her lalaland till the next day
My personal routine: brush teeth, put on my sleeping mask, hug n kiss 😘 hubby, pee one last time n hit the bed, reflect on the day n fall asleep shortly . . and I can't I candy crush or read up alittle on pregnancy.
my Son is Turning 1 year old this week! His bedtime routine is: 1. Having a warm bath at 830pm, 2. Applying body lotion 3. Dim the light 4. Drink milk at 9pm 5. Pat or Carry him to sleep by 10pm
My husband will tell me a bedtime story before I fall asleep. Most of the times, he only needs to spend 5-10 mins before I doze off. It especially works well when I have insomnia night.
Alonzo’s bedtime routine ❤️ First, play time with Mommy Second, drink vitamins and brush teeth Third, cuddle time Lastly milk time (direct breastfeeding)❤️❤️❤️
Foster a sense of sleep independence. Set time rule and change into pyjamas. Turn on warm lights and read a bedtime story before a kiss on forehead saying goodnight
Making sure baby learn the difference between day and night. Full romper dress follow by a bedtime story. And full lights off makes my baby happy and sleepy
Baby is 2 months old now! I clean baby with warm water, then feed the final feed before bedtime in the dark, hum a lullaby and soothe baby to sleep (:
Bedtime routine for my 4mo involving reading a book together with both mama/papa, prayer time, swaddle, and a kiss goodnight with lights off ☺️