Which is better substitute of mothermilk ... Is it cow milk or formula milk ...

Hi, I think cow's milk can cause allergy to your kid. It is difficult for babies to digest cow's milk. Also cow's milk has high level of proteins and minerals and can tax the child's immature digestive system and lead to illness and diarrhea. And also that cow's milk lacks vitamin C and iron that infants need. Cow milk also does not contain healthiest form of fat that babies need. If you are keen on starting cow's milk then you can try doing that only after the child turns one. I think for now you must stick to formula milk and for further information and do the best thing should consult the paediatrician. https://www.healthychildren.org/English/ages-stages/baby/feeding-nutrition/Pages/Why-Formula-Instead-of-Cows-Milk.aspx
Read moreI gave both my kids fresh cow milk, goat milk and occasionally oat milk after they turn 14 months for supplement at school. At home, they still latch. To me, I prefer plant based milk but my kids prefer the cow milk that why I continue to give them. I am never into the FM as I study the ingredients list before it is not something I will put into my own mouth hence not to mention for my kids. Just my two cents worth. However, fresh cow/goat milk or plant based milk is only recommended to introduce to children after the age of 1 year old.
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Depend on age of baby. If he less than one year then offcourse formula milk . Because cow milk is more difficult to digest for small babies .. I didn't have enough breast milk and have to give my baby additional supplements from 1st day of feeding. I gave him firstly cow milk by doctors advice but my lo always have a hard stools because of the cow milk . So my doctor suggest me to go for a formula milk.. I used formula until my baby turn 12 months and then again I start cow milk and now he is totally okey with it.
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Before 1 year old, formula milk is the only alternative to breast milk (either from the mother or donated from others). After 1 year old, you can explore alternatives like fresh milk - but do note that it's only a supplement and NOT main source of nutrients anymore - your child should be having nutrients from food more than milk by then.
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I would say formula milk because it is formulated specially for children. You can try Dumex Mamil Gold. It is blended with its patented prebiotics which is good for a healthy gut and digestive system. It also has more DHA and there is no sucrose added. Dumex sample available in their website http://www.dumex.com.sg/requestsample
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I would go for formula...reasons for avoiding cow milk is bcoz its the number 1 cause of severe allergies and intolerances. Over a period of time these problems lead to stomach issues.
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For the first year formula milk is better than cow milk but after twelve months i prefer to give my children cows milk.
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Don't give cow milk until baby is atleast 2 years old. Formula milk can be given . The best is mothers milk
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Mumsy of 1 sweet cub