When would you start your child on sex education and who would be the one educating? Would you be using visual aids and what type?

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Typically, a parent can start teaching their children about their private parts and how to protect themselves against sexual abuse and molestation when they first start asking questions about their body parts (that will be around 4 or 5 years old). As they enter puberty, it is a good time to tell them about the changes that they could expect, physically and emotionally. It is a good time to let them know that they can approach you with any questions and you will be there for them. As they enter the young adult stage (13 to 14 years or so), it is time to have a chat on the actual topic of sex. Mostly on how it is a natural part of marriage, how they should protect and respect themselves. It may not be an easy subject but it is important for parents to touch on this as they could gather a lot of information from the internet and from their friends. Hence, it is good that they know they could turn to their parents if things gets confusing or if they are concern about anything. Here are some useful websites one can refer to on this: http://www.hpb.gov.sg/HOPPortal/health-article/7152 http://www.hpb.gov.sg/HOPPortal/article?id=6490 Personally, I do think that "how" to do it is really dependent on each family. Some families are more conservative and such talks may be uncomfortable. While others may be more open and both the parents and children have no qualms about clarifying any questions on this.

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As soon as my child is 2years, he/she has started receiving lectures on sex education.E.g wear your pant, cover your bumbum, don't open your laps when sitting, who touched you here? etc