Inform company abt pregnancy
When do u inform ur company abt your pregnancy? As soon as u know or after 3 months?

i informed as soon as i was confirmed by doctor, i asked for wfh arrangements and was approved, due to covid situation now, boss also thinks its best i stay home to avoid getting infected from the travelling and the interaction with other colleagues.
I inform my principal the moment I found out I am pregnant because I work in a preschool and is taking care of younger group of children. So they can make arrangements and keep a lookout for me
I was tempted to inform my boss at least since the fatigue and nausea is so tough on me but I'm already working from home and now it's getting better so I'll wait till first trimester over.
I informed my immediate manager as soon as I was tested positive — this made wfh permanently viable since pregnant women are considered as vulnerable and high risk against covid.
There is an advisory published by MOH that employers should give special attention to the vulnerable group — aged 60 and above, immunocompromised, or have existing medical conditions. It’s up to the individual organisation when it comes to implementation. Hope this helps!
I informed my company around 8 weeks where my morning sickness got worse (partly because of covid). I have my gynae to write a memo to arrange WFH.
we informed immediately once we found out 6weeks. so that we can take leave and time off for our appt. Both our bosses were happy for us😊
i only informed my employer after my NIPT test.. about nearly 5 mths, once i confirmed bb is healthy.
informed after 3 months and provide a certified letter before you go for maternity leave
I told my boss after I pregnant for 4 months. At that time was during circuit breaker.
I inform my head of department and he will convey the gd news
Nurturer of 2 radiant little heartbreaker