18 Replies

VIP Member

Haha, I used to shop for myself more both online and going to mall but now I always look for children dresses and accessories just can't control myself and do some online shopping for my little one..may be that's how women are once they get a baby they shower all their love to their baby Now I understand my mom why she always does things for me and not for herself let it be Jewellery clothes or anything

It's like that... everytime I otw go shopping, kept on telling hub I'm not gonna get anything for my boy, but in the end, buy all his things... really zzzz

Super Mum

Same here, except I shop online mostly. Every other week when there's a parcel, my husband will be like "now, what did you buy again?" 🤷🏻‍♀️

VIP Member

This is so relatable! Since having a baby, all that I think of when in the shopping mall or online shopping, are baby stuffs! 😅

Lol I Don’t know if lucky or unlucky But I do the same thing 🤦🏻‍♀️

VIP Member

Same! Feel so happy buying clothes for her, though I know it's not necessary.

Super Mum

Grand mother always buy clothes for my daughter too whenever she travels

When I go out, I will somehow head for children dept..​

Haha true story.. everytime when i go shopping for my kid

VIP Member

Lol I think I’ll be like that too once my baby is born

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