When did your baby start teething?

The vast majority of babies sprout their first tooth when they're between 4 and 7 months old. An early developer may get his first white cap as early as 3 months, while a late bloomer may have to wait until he's a year old or more. (In very rare cases, a baby's first tooth is already visible at birth.)
Read moreMy child is sort of a late bloomer. She had her first tooth when she turned 14 months. ANd now she's 18 mons, she only has 4 teeth. Haha. But they can painfully bite whenever she turns naughty! :'(
Mine was a late bloomer too. Although our mothers said that she had been teething since she was 2 mo, we finally got to see those set of pearls in her 10th month!! Yeah, it was that long a wait :/
My twins show the signs of teething when they were 3 months old. Buy baby boy 1st teeth erupted when he was 6 months old. But his twin sister till now doesn't have one although she's 8 months na
My baby start teething around 6 months old. Most babies' teeth begin to erupt between the ages of 4 to 6 months, though for some it may be earlier or later.
For my older boy he started around 8 months old. My current baby is 7months and i have not seen anything yet. Mine is considered late as well.
Usually the first incisor (central) tooth will appear around 6 -8 months. Mine appeared around 8 months
my is about 6 month olds my son quite late and he finish all his teeth at 2.
My baby started teething when she was 9 month old.
Around 6 mths when he started on some solids