When can i stop sterilizing my childs feeding utensils?

In general sterilizing bottles isn’t that useful after a baby starts doing a lot of exploring by mouth (around four months). If you don’t sterilize a bottle, you will need to clean it carefully and thoroughly. But there are a couple of caveats to this advice. If it is the first time you are using a new bottle and new nipple, they will need to be sterilized. If you are making formula and storing it in a bottle for any period of time, then you should sterilize the bottle after each use. Also, always store breast milk in sterilized containers since it is kept for an extended period of time. In short it’s important to sterilize a bottle and nipple when using it for the first time, to have a thoroughly clean bottle and nipple, and to have properly prepared and stored milk at any age! Try to encourage your baby to use a sippy cup for her milk once she’s six months and has started solids. Sippy cups are better for your baby's teeth than bottles. They don't need to be sterilized. Just wash sippy cups in clean, hot, soapy water, along with your baby’s bowls, plates and spoon. Keep your baby’s things separate from the other washing up. Then dry them off with a clean tea towel. Bacteria don’t breed as easily in your baby’s solid food compared with her milk, so there’s no need to sterilize these items.
Read moreSeriously, i dun find a need to sterilise them when they start on solids. I still sterilise e milk bottles. Oni tat. Imagine those cooking pots & blenders, how to sterilise? I believe in no need to be so clean to e extent. Juz started bb on solids. I juz wash his bowl & spoon etc with our normal detergent & make sure i wash off e detergently den wipe dry. Basic hygiene has to be observed of cos. I'm cool wif tiz.
Read moreI stopped sterilizing my son's utensils & bottles when he started on solids. I didn't see how was it possible for me to sterilize everything thorough since food cannot be sterilize before consumpation. But I do let the utensils and bottles submerged in hot water after washing them.
I think it depends on individual. My girl is 5 years old and I am still sterilising her bottle. She drinks from cup but using bottle at night. I will probably stop sterilising when she is older like 6 or 7 years old when she stops using bottles.
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I totally stop sterilizing when bb started solid. Before that at abt 4 months I started to reduce sterilizing .. only once at the end of the day ... then slowly reduce n by 6 mth totally stop
Guilty as charged. I stop sterilizing long ago i think when baby was a year old. Just didnt bother anymore. Overall im a rugged mom. I believe in good germs bad germs. Thats just me.