When can I introduce eggs to my LO? I'm confused - some say egg yolk first, other say whole egg okay. What's correct?

Hello Mama, Introduce Egg Yolk after completion of 8 months. If there is no reaction and baby accepts the egg without any allergies, then after a month egg white and whole egg can be given. --------------- How many eggs can be given in a day to babies? - When you start introducing eggs, first start with one teaspoon of hard boiled yellow yolk, after that can be slowly increased to One full egg per day. ----------------------- Words of Caution - Please make sure that the eggs are cooked fully, never give half cooked eggs to babies as they may have salmonella and may cause food poisoning. ---------------------- If your baby develops allergy to eggs then, the following symptoms are likely to be seen: Vomiting, Diarrhea, Cranky and crying – due to tummy ache, Rashes, Hives, Runny Nose or Sore throat, Difficulty in Breathing... Rush to your doctor or emergency immediately if you notice any of these. Please check the below link, benefits of eggs for kids... https://sg.theasianparent.com/daily-egg-big-tall-kids?utm_medium=web&utm_source=search&utm_campaign=elastic
Read moreIntro yolk first, as whites contain proteins which may be highly allergenic to some. we practised the 3day rule too, with new foods. when bub was cleared for yolk, we moved to whites a couple of weeks later, before venturing into whole eggs when all was good.
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To start with an egg yolk at seven months and then egg white around eight months. Inline with new, essential evidence on allergenic foods to indicate that early introduction can reduce the incidence of allergy.
hi mummy, try hard boiled eggs and remove the yolk to let baby try it first. if there's no allergy, offer the whites another day, hard boiled style so it's easy for BLW :)