baby 1st food

What was the first food that you introduced to your LO? Baby gonna start soon but not sure what to give and what variety. Do you give cereal or puree?

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My baby boy first food was banana+fm. Its really up to u whether u want to gv cereal, fruit, veggie first. But u can look up online for the suitable fruits/veggies that can be a good first food.

Brown rice for 4 mos old. Kik Got it at healthy options. Now that shes 6 mos old we mix that with veggies. Then she gets brownrice toast also as teething crackers.


Single fruits and veggie puree like apple, carrot, sweet potatoes, broccoli, spinach. Sometimes add these puree to rice cereal for a complete meal

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Porridge purée. Tried brownrice cerelac he rejected. Lol. At 6m i mixed with single veggie.

I gave both cereal and puree . Add just a little puree to the cereal

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Apple puree, avocado + BM then the other week, porridge/cereal

First food I gave purée (carrot, butternut squash)

I started with rice cereal and apple puree ..