24 Replies

Super Mum

Since baby became more alert and aware at about 2 months, I’ve been singing more “If you’re happy and you know it” while clapping her hands, moving her feet, etc as she sits propped up on me. Other action songs like “head and shoulders, knees and toes” also allow me to help her “do actions”. Then I sing lots of other songs too, whether kids songs/my own made-up songs. At this point, baby is just happy to hear mummy’s voice, and is especially looking at mummy’s facial expressions. She gets very excited when I smile, and will start grinning non-stop too:)

VIP Member

My LO's first song exposures were wheels and the bus and if you're happy and you know it. The latter helped him clap along. Now it's just anything from cocomelon (YouTube channel).

Disney, movie soundtracks and even kpop! Most importantly it’s how you interact with baby while singing, made up songs on the spot are great as well!

VIP Member

I'm using soothing music like Somewhere over the rainbow Moon River What a wonderful world Can't help falling in love with you

abc, twinkle little star, some surahs for her too and some other nursery rhymes


Nursery rhymes like wheels on the bus or twinkle twinkle little star

Super Mum

Too many. I sang whatever songs that comes to my mind.

VIP Member

Kids songs, nursery rhymes, songs from musicals etc

I sing along to songs on YouTube channel Cocomelon

VIP Member

Jesus loves me! Part of their bed time routine!

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