What should I know about giving my breastfed baby a pacifier?

The most important thing is note would be that a pacifier should not be taken as a substitute for nurturing or feeding. Here are some useful guidelines to manage your baby’s pacifier use: - Allow your baby to choose whether or not she wants the pacifier - Offer the pacifier when you know that she is not hungry (e.g., between feedings) - Avoid using the pacifier as a way to delay baby’s feeding - Try giving your baby the pacifier before nap time - Do not tie a pacifier around your baby’s neck or attached it to the crib You can refer to this site for more useful information on pacifier use: http://www.babycenter.com/0_pacifiers-pros-cons-and-smart-ways-to-use-them_128.bc
Read moreIt is recommended that pacifiers and other types of artificial nipples be avoided for at least the first 3-4 weeks. It is suggested that breastfed babies would be better off without a pacifier until mommy’s milk supply is well established (6-8 weeks, usually) and the 6 week growth spurt is over. That way a good milk supply is established and don’t lose any much-needed breast stimulation to a pacifier. Source: http://kellymom.com/ages/newborn/newborn-concerns/pacifier/ You can also read up about the pros and cons as well as the do's and don'ts of pacifiers in this article: http://sg.theasianparent.com/are-pacifiers-really-good-for-your-baby/
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