Should I take epi?
I'm at my third trimester and super nervous about giving birth.... I heard laughing gas helps but not a lot... don't know if should I take epi

it's a personal choice. at first I thought I could make it without epi as I under estimate the contraction pain. when I reached the hospital, the nurse said it will only gets more painful as I dilated. and i knew at that point that I wanted to enjoy the moment of giving birth and worry less about the pain. as I've to bear the pain after birth too. yes, after giving birth you've to heal too & it takes longer & there's no epi for this 🤮 if you give vagina birth, doctor may need to stitch it up & honestly with epi, I didn't feel a single pain. 🤭 so I would say I'm glad I took epi though most people around me told not to as I won't experience the pain. Hahaha. seriously, taking epi won't make you less of a mother. so trust your guts and both choices are great choice.❤️
Read morei envied mommy that had epi. I wanted one bcos i am so anxious on my 1st birth. but my dilation happen way too fast. i only felt the back ache contractions and when i went to labour ward gas makes you feel high but u can still feel everythg that is happening. i was too anxious for my soul ahaha to be present during my 1st birth. that i refuse to open my eyes when baby is out. so you do you. every one birth story is different. yours might be really fast baby out that u cant feel a thing. hahaa. have a smooth delivery and congrats in adv!
Read moreI took laughing gas and injection for the contraction pain, then requested for the epidural, but my gynae mentioned I was dilated to 6cm quite soon and can try to push soon, so can skip the epi, actually while pushing I didn't feel super pain, I dunno why though.. luckily for me, I really gave birth within 1 hr, managed to do it without epi, my wounds healed as per gynae expectations. i guess in my case, the pain was during the contraction, not when pushing the baby out..
Read morei took epi because my breaths were too short and inhaling gas seemed pointless. i took epi at 1am and could feel pain. i was pushing baby out myself and when they stitched me i could feel the threads going in and through my skin!!!!!!! pressed the button for the anaesthetic dr to come but didnt come AT ALL. really damn bad exp even with epi. but pls if u are taking epi, pls make the dr attend to u!!!! mine didnt at all Lol
Read moreit happened to me too like 9yrs back. apparently the needle wasnt straight. could feel have my body n i had to whack my legs due to pain. now tt im preg again, I'll hv to make sure i don feel a thing
Listen to your body, if you feel that you need it then go for it. For me, I was hugging the laughing gas and was high on it even till epi was given to me (nurse tried to snatch my gas cause there’s no need for it alr and I be like noooooo pls then continue inhaling hahahah)… Anyways, laughing gas plus epi for me was amazing. The pain was 0 for someone with low threshold for pain.
Read moreI say, do what your body tells you to do. For me both kids i didn’t take any epi and only used laughing gas when my contractions got so bad around 7cm dilated. Before that i did breathing techniques and natural reliefs. I also prepared myself mentally for it so yeah! but if you need it, go for it!!
I highly advice you take epi when the jab or gas doesn't work for you, your pain tolerance level is low and when you really need a rest + save energy to push. Epi was my last option. But bare in mind, some took epi but didnt work for them or didnt have effect on them. They ended with emergency C sect.
Read moreI took epi & thats the best decision of my life. The ego in me says, the pain is bearable but until the doc pop my water bag after 10 mins. The contraction was CRAZY. so painful! the gas doesn’t works for me. after i took epi, i slept like a baby.🥰
Epi is the most amazing invention for mothers. I am so glad I decided to get epi from the beginning, even before breaking water bag (I got induced). Why should we suffer the pain when there is a way to avoid it? Go for it if you think you will need it
Laughing gas didn’t work for me. As for epidural, I had bad side effects shortly after getting it. My whole body itched, bad nausea, vomiting and high fever. Provided alot of pain relief though
Mama to bby k ♡