7 Replies

She's 4 months but has been turning her head since birth. The movement she makes is rapid turning from left to right and usually lasts for on average 5 seconds. This happens only when she's rousing from her sleep either because of a sudden loud noise or when she wakes up on her own. The skin on her neck tended to get quite red earlier on but the redness is gone now. I'm asking because if it's an issue with the skin around her neck then we'll probably need to have that looked at.

How long does she turn her head side to side for 2-3 seconds, or 2.3 minutes? How old is baby now? Does she have irritated skin around her head or neck? If no, I would not worry, as a number of babies move their head left to right when they are tired. If she doesn't appear to be in distress then just observe, but no need to stress. it just maybe something she does to comfort herself.

Hi, other Mummies are right, is a comforting tactile touch. Mine does that too. But after a while, babies change their habit to other stuff. For instance, mine like to do the constant rooting behaviour to a particular side... For more info, pls read on head turning here: http://m.raisingchildren.net.au/articles/body-rocking,_head-rolling_and_head-banging.html

My baby doea this too. Think it is to make himself comfortable. He does this only when he is hot especially if he prespires. If he is lying on the bed for 5 mins in this type of super hot weather even with the fan on, he will start to shake his head. I believe he just wants attention and tells us the message that he is feeling uncomfortable.

Hi Mei Leong, This movement of head actually is a way your baby soothes herself to sleep. My son had it when he was a few weeks old, and it goes away once I gave him pacifier. The head turning will goes away eventually once your baby found a new way to sooth herself to sleep.

I think this is quite common among babies. They tend to find ways to make themselves comfortable so that they can rest better. As their motor skills aren't fully ready to be used, they will find ways and means to comfort themaelves.

She only ever sleeps on her back. And this happens regardless of where she sleep - her crib, the couch, my bed, the car seat etc.

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