what brand of the sling would you recommend? And what type of material?

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Read moreHi mommy, Are you in the babywearing Singapore group in Facebook? Do join the group of you haven't. You can try out different type of slings and attend meetups where some babywearing consultants organized. There are slings and carriers for rent too. I'm sure the babywearing experts there can help you find a sling/carrier suitable for you and your precious.
Read moreI personally like the ring type cos I can adjust accordingly to the tightness I want. Moreover, as I'm still breastfeeding, ring sling is good as it can take cover. Can feed on the go so long as you are wearing the right type of clothes. For material wise, would go for silk. Not so hot for baby.
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Try the baby sling. Or the sukuri ring sling.
Pupsik is my favourite
thank you :)