baby shampoo and detergent
What brand of baby shampoo and detergent that u usually use? Any recommendations?
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I used to buy j&j but then they were rumored to contain chemicals that are not good for babies. A friend suggested I go for happy sparkle head to toe shampoo by Pee-Ka-Poo. It's nice and quite good for the baby.
California baby for shampoo and tolly joy detergent (price is economic and smell not too pungent/fragrant)
I bought johnson's cottontouch range.... i love the smell! As for detergent, i used tollyjoy.
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Pigeon Newborn Pure series shampoo Kodomo brand baby laundry detergent
I prefer Johnsons & Johnsons shampoo and Kodomo for detergent
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Baby shampoo I use catephil Detergent use kodomo
Catephil and kodomo
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J&J mustela
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Try kodomo
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