9 Replies

Hi, My daughter and I recently learnt swimming and now we do not miss even the slightest chance to go swimming. Though, my husband still doesn't know it well but can float. Otherwise who would mind frolicking in the water! And other though not a sport, but an indoor game, we all have fun family time playing UNO. :)

Swimming and badminton. These are sports that are most likely to be enjoyed by each one in the family - from dad to mom, to children. We can train the children even at a young age with these 2 sports and it's a good bonding for the whole family.

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I think beach basket ball. It is so much fun lazing around the beach and then playing having yum food at the same time. For my family it is basketball by the beach, any day.

Swimming, cycling, can't say which sport for everyone to enjoy depends on what your family likes? Maybe even jogging or trekking.

Biking for me is the best family sport. Everyone enjoys even the kids.

Dodge ball is one crazy fun and family sport! A must try!

I up vote for Swimming! Definitely kids will enjoy it! :)

Try pinoy traditional games like pantintero or piko.

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