What are some of your darker moments or thoughts throughout this journey?

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The thoughts of giving up. I'm a young mum who gave birth at 20years old. I was just starting out to discover about the 'fun' in adult world. (Clubbing, Drinking, Partying, Nights out) But everything came crashing down when i discovered i am pregnant which made me become a mother who have to stay home everyday. Losing my youth to the kids is something i can't make a decision about. But since it happened, i decided to live my life to the fullest of my situation now. Well, now i'm a mother of two kids. Still occasionally grumbling of my freedom and youth. Life still goes on...

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Life has taught me so many lessons. No matter how good, humble and honest you are to them that doesn’t mean that they will treat you the same way. I married my husband for almost five years now with no idea that he was cheating on me. I noticed some changes in his character and I decided to confide in a friend who introduced me to a hacker whose name is William Peterson. This guy did a wonderful and perfect job for me by hacking his phone call log, facebook messenger messages, phone messages, whatsapp, Skype, database and so on. WWW.HACKERSPYVILLE.COM

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So far, it's e fight between e possesive mum (yours truly) vs obsessed inlaws. Esp during e first 2 months when emotions are high and the novelty factor. Im thankful for the family support yet at the same time, i dont want to lose precious moments w my baby. It was very stressful coz it's a daily affair. Now into the 5th month, routine is fixed, they got their fair share of time w baby, everyone is happy. But i forsee the next episode to be 'what happen if the grandparents do not listen'. We will deal with that then.

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That I am just not cut out for breastfeeding - having to figure out supply, her latching, engorgement, etc. It makes me feel miserable that no matter how hard I try, it's not enough for her and even if I temporarily satiate her, in 2 hours the whole rigmaroll starts again.

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I haven't slept for more than 5.5 hours in the last 9 months. On bad nights with frequent wake ups, I feel like I'm losing my mind.

Just low on confidence at times, and that takes a great deal of your sanity.

Other than battling my weight and confidence issues, none.
