What are some movie dvd you'll rent for stay home date night?

There's Netflix in Singapore now! Plenty of movies and series to choose from there :) re watch an old series from your younger days. My fiance and I are currently re-watching The OC. We watched that when we were teenagers living in separate continents and totally unaware of each other's existence haha. Interesting to compare what we thought about the series now that we're older haha!
Read moreNo offence - but who watches DVD's anymore? I stream or download or netflix stuff. I always refer to the IMDB top 250 list and have watched most movies from there. Never been a disappointment. Also what time of date night movies do you like? Rom coms or pure comedy or inspirational or... give us more details on your preferences so we can help you out with your choices.
Read moreWe have some favourites that we like watching again and again and they are a mixed selection: Shawshank Redemption, 2012, Any of the star trek ones, The Proposal (weird I know, and I have to force my husband to watch this), Out of Africa, Whiplash, Any James Bond film.
It depends on what you're into. A bunch of rom coms like while you were sleeping or you've got mail would be cute. I also like As good as it gets. But what about indulging in slasher flicks? A Scream movie marathon would be fun just to mix things up! :)
Few things are more romantic to binge watch than shows of you and your partner's collective flavour. My suggestions would be Game of Thrones, House of Cards and Veep. Relationship dynamics in these shows are dynamic, unexpected and compelling.
I think any movie with Sandra Bullock is a definite yes, especially if it's a Rom Com. My personal faves are films that take me through an emotional rollercoaster, Benjamin Button, Theory Of Everything. Mighty Joe's another good one :)
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I agree with Roshni C. I and the husband started watching 'Suits' just as for fun and ended up absolutely loving it. Now we just love watching it together along with Friends, Heroes and Game of Thrones.
Go to http://www.imdb.com/chart/top and you will find a lot of good movies in the list. I can personally see movies like shutter island, shawshank redemption, 12 angry men, se7en, etc. again and again.
Some of my personal favorites for a date night include The Notebook, Love actually, 50 First Dates, The Family Man and Despicable Me - 1. Let us know which movie you ended up watching :)