What activities do you do to engage your 3-month-old baby?

I sang songs to him - nursery rhymes mostly. I also did a few baby exercises like cycling his legs, putting his hands above his head, crossing his legs etc which he loved. I was advised to keep talking to him so that he learns words. I did try but it's quite hard to talk non stop to someone who doesn't answer back. My son at 1 is quite chatty now so perhaps it helped! A lot of parents will start flash cards with their kids early on as well.
Read moreYou can sing nursery rhymes about body, and touch your baby's body parts mentioned in the songs. Also you can make flash cards using black and white colors, because infants prefer sharp contrast-color images at this age. You can download and print it yourself, or just buy online from amazon/lazada etc. This link offers free download for the flash cards: http://www.brillbaby.com/free-download/infant-stimulation-cards.php
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When my lo was 3 months old, I will use flash cards eg colours, animals. When comes to animals, I tried to make tiger roar sound etc. Another activity I used to play is peekaboo to make my lo happy and occupied.
Start showing flash cards of colors. Because he's still improving his vision and eyesight. So Color contrast can help.
Singing, they love our facial features at this age.
Nursery rhymes, different type of sound effects.