Running out of creative ideas to keep my 14 month old busy. What games/ activities do you play with your kids?

You can try this simple game of "mirror me". This kept my friend's daughter entertained all through the second day or Chinese New Year when we went over to visit. We didn't realised it is actually an educational game and only wanted to engage her during our visit. All you need to do is to sit with your baby facing you. Do something simple like touching your nose. When he/she touches her nose, cheer and praise her. Change the action to something that requires some motor coordination, like waving, reaching up, flapping your arms and encourage him/her to mimic you. Switch over by starting to copy his/her move. This game would help develop your child's motor coordination, social skills, and imagination.
Read moreAt 14 months old, normally he/she can walk already. You can bring him/her to outdoor to have a brisk walk, kick ball, or swimming pool to play water. At home, I will do cut and paste, finger painting, playdoh, water pouring activity, beads transfer activity and etc., where I focus more on training his/her motor skills. You can refer to this blog for more pictures and ideas of play at 14 months
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