No morning sickness and late GA

Hi, just went for my first ultrasound two days ago. Based on LMP suppose to be 6w6d. Ultrasound shows 5 weeks+. Can see the GS and a tiny dot inside only. Except for firmer boobs and larger sore nipple, and some fatigue, no obvious sypmtom such as morning sickness, dizzy spells, loss of apetite etc. I still eat like normal and no cravings. Doc asks me to come back in 2 weeks to scan again. Anyone in same boat? How do you not feel anxious and worry in this 2 weeks wait? Please share! Thank you!!

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Congratulations! Actually I feel nervous and anxious during that time too. So, what I do was to share my anxiety with my husband or 1 very close friend and i keep talking to my baby that I’m excited to see you. Trust me after you get to see the heartbeat, the anxiety will decrease. You have to put a lot of faith and trust that baby will grow well. Being too worried and anxious will cause more stress to you and baby. Every mum has different reaction to morning sickness. I’m have no to little morning sickness just super tired as times go by and having restless leg during night time . By the way have you started folic acid? Is good to start once you found out you are pregnant.

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4mo ago

thank you for sharing and your reassurance! yes started folic acid and vit D. doc gave me duphaston too. will have faith and talk more to my baby~~